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Mojave Road, Central

2nd section of the famous Mojave Road overland trip.

No Reviews
Location Baker, CA
Rating Moderate,
Length 44mi
Time 8hrs

Vehicle Types


Make stops at the Rock House, Marl Springs and the “Mail Box.”

Highlights of Mojave Road Central include stops at the Rock House, Government Holes, Marl Springs and the Mail Box. Entire route is inside the Mojave National Preserve, open to street-legal vehicles only. Trail departs from and rejoins larger Cedar Canyon Road several times.


Trail Ratings Defined

Mostly easy, but the descent to Watson Wash can be very challenging for stock 4x4 SUVs. This spot will be intimidating to novice drivers. Much of the route is soft sand, which, when dry, can quickly bog down any vehicle. Don’t camp in washes where flash floods are possible.






High Point


Best Time To Go

Sept.- Nov. and Mar.- May

Current Conditions

(760) 252-6108Mojave National Preserve Kelso, V.C.

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Submitted by Matt Peterson
At mileage 7.5, the steep hill now has deep undulating. We did it in our stock Tacoma but do not suggest a first time driver in a stock vehicle to attempt it. At Waypoint 07, the Mail Box, several other unique collections are further off to the north of the trail. Hint: look for toads and Jeeps.


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